1. Scotland is a colony. The Anglo-Scottish Union is a colonial relationship.
2. The Labour Party is the strongest source of fealty to the Union in Scotland.
3. The Labour Party in Scotland is the leading force for reaction.
This is how wikipedia defines a colony. Get sniffy about the source if you like, but its definition seems pretty accurate.
"In politics and history, a colony is a territory under the immediate political control of a state, distinct from the home territory of the sovereign.[...]Unlike a puppet state or satellite state, a colony has no independent international representation, and its top-level administration is under direct control of the metropolitan state."Miriam Webster has: "an area that is controlled by or belongs to a country and is usually far away from it."
The reason for maintaining a colony is pretty simple: resource extraction, and to project military force. It is easier to deploy troops in a territory that is under your jurisdiction than it is to attempt landings or invasions in places which are not.
For the first half of the Union, the '45 clampdown excepted, Scotland was in a state of "semi-independence." It was not a colony, but the result of a ruling class compact where Scotland was officially annexed on terms. It was to borrow a fairly exact metaphor a satrapy.
"the Achaemenian Empire[...] established 20 satrapies with their annual tribute. As the head of the administration of his province, the satrap collected taxes and was the supreme judicial authority; he was responsible for internal security and raised and maintained an army. [...] the satraps often enjoyed virtual independence."
A Satrap holds court in S. Afghanistan. Satrapies enjoyed semi-independence, within an empire. |
This period of satrapy status ended when the British state grew in Scotland. After this point Scotland became more or less a colony in the traditional sense, and ceased to be a satrapy. It first became a nascent satrapy again in 2007.
The Disruption Assembly of 1843: one of the key moments when Scottish dual power which emerged in 1560 died. |
This is also about where the former civil servant John Jappy's evidence acts to corroborate the central assumption that Scotland was a satrapy, which became a colony under Scottish ruling class expediancy and British centralising pressure:-
[That this process should be completed towards the end of the 19th century, during the New Imperialism when Britain was getting a bit skint and plumping for more finance capital is of course entirely coincidental.]
Since then the position has merely been maintained. Wherever you take the point in Scotland's history from then on wages are low, profit is extracted from Scotland, and is not reinvested back. An ossified landed class and an absentee bourgeoisie exerts disproportionate influence over much of the countryside, leading to massive deliberate underdevelopment. The parties of power at Westminster stand for enforcing a policy uniformity across the United Kingdom which does not correspend with action which would challenge these net capital outflows, fiscal transfers, lower wages or iniquitous distribution of land, patronage and power. Meantime the military industrial complex of the UK treats Scotland as a dumping ground for nuclear waste, unexploded ordinance, industrial waste and its unpopular nuclear arsenal. This happens while civil servants in London draw up the plans for UK energy infrastructure which leads to the underdevelopment of our great renewable energy potential. not content with treating Scotland as a cowp the MoD over-extends its veto powers in the planning system with the same effect on the renewables industry, because the UK refuses to buy a modern radar system, and mere economic necessity is a negative externality. All of this is in frustration of and for the satrapy government which seeks to end the historical underdevelopment which has characterised long stretches of time in Scotland's interregnum.
Under Labour Scotland returned billions in unspent Scottish Government finance to the UK Treasury (which we already subsidise to the tune of £1.5billion+ annually). In 2006 they began a concerted effort to privatise all the public services in Scotland. Their tenure was associated with the demolition of 1 in 40 homes in the country, all of them publicly owned. Scotland did not support this kind of government, driven by the City of London and Gordon Brown from London. Power only exists if it is used and Scotland's emergent break from colonial status to accession as a satrapy begain in 2007 and is an unfinished process.
This potential change in status comes out of the simple fact that this is literally the first time in 150 odd years that Scotland has had a government which intends to do things differently from the right wing / British norm in Scotland. However normal the SNP's aspirations may be in European terms, that fact alone in Scotland make them revolutionary, because success on their own terms would necessitate ending Scotland's colonial relationship, and exposing the nature of Scotland's ongoing tribute payment relationship with Whitehall.
The principle agent which can bind Scotland to the Union is Labour. While Scotland sends its 4% of lawmakers to Westminster under a Labour badge, it votes for the UK Labour Party's policy in Britain, with all the implications for not challenging Scotland's colonial relationship within the Union.
Since the defeat of the working class movement which began in 1979 this has meant enforcing neo-liberalism alongside colonialism's asset transfers. However the leftwing policies of Labour administrations which predate this arguably relied more on such asset transfers because they faced capital flight and were therefore more reliant on natural resources. In both incarnations in Scotland - an agent of Thatcherism today, and an agent of command and control Labourism in the fading past - Labour has acted to secure the ongoing asset transfer from Scotland to the Whitehall regime. Indeed Willie Ross' failed "Socialist Plan for Scotland" was essentially logically predicated within Cabinet on addressing the lower wages, higher unemployment and poorer levels of investment and retention of profits. And *it failed* when Britain needed the cash for being a big boy instead.
A Labour vote from Scotland is basically a vote for this colonial relationship, particularly when we consider the prize. And here I completely agree with the Tory Unionist enemy.
The Telegraph's Iain Martin echoes my view.
" Be in no doubt: if Labour is banished from Scotland, the Union will be done for [... The SNP] hope to hold the balance of power in the event of another hung parliament. That way, they might demand yet more powers for the Scottish Parliament or perhaps even another referendum on ending the Union."
Alex Massie, not normally given to fantastic rhetoric, even believes we have lived thru such a crucible moment that it compares to the Easter Rising in terms of Scottish consciousness.
"Pound for pound – or, rather, per capita – the SNP is now the largest political party in Britain. Indeed, it’s the only one that can plausibly claim to be a mass organisation. That’s quite something.The kind of thing that makes one wonder if – just perhaps – next year’s election in Scotland could produce results of the kind seen in Ireland in 1918. John Redmond’s Home Rule bill was passed in 1914 but its implementation delayed by the First World War. Then there was the small matter of Easter 1916 and, most importantly, the British authorities’ cack-handed response to Pearse’s provocation. It all helped to ruin the Irish Parliamentary Party. They lost 61 seats in 1918 as Sinn Fein won a landslide victory in southern Ireland, gaining 67 seats and winning almost 47 percent of the vote."
If the Labour Party were smashed at Westminster, particularly where this led to a confidence and supply agreement with a minority Labour Government, the political Union would effectively be over, and Scotland would gain full satrapy status by default. The machinery of the Labour Party in Scotland would be crushed, and the idea that people needed to vote Labour to keep the Tories out would also lie dead. Paul Sinclair is on record as saying he agrees with this analysis, asking why would people feel the need to vote Labour, if they got a better Labour government by not doing so. If they got a Tory government, it could only be because England rejected Labour, as the SNP have made clear their intentions never to vote for a Tory Government, in which case all the fairies and unicorns "solidarity" talk during the referendum from the NO campaign would be very very exposed indeed, as would the democratic deficit. So long as Scotland voted SNP in sufficient numbers this contradiction would be fully and completely exposed and the pressure brought to bear on this reactionary compact of a state.
The eventual outcome of such a shift away from the Labour myth of the post-war welfare state is that Scots see Westminster not as a place which determines their Government, but as a place where they send delegates to fight for Scotland, against Whitehall. Such a nonsense can only last so long, as the essential colonial relationship would be laid bare for everyone to see.
Given that what British policies mean in Scotland, this is indeed a glittering prize. It is the result of British policies that in the month of October in Maryhill over 1000 people relied on food parcels to eat. A month previously Maryhill had voted YES by the same size of majority as the landslide among Labour Party members that has swept Jim Murphy into power. It is the result of British polices that demand is being sucked out of the economy to pay for bloodletting, and economic mismanagement sees vital industries placed on pause amidst a youth unemployment crisis. Starvation, job losses, economic failure and blight caused by a lack of power to change the welfare system, improve employability and borrow to invest. None of this is rocket science, but none of it is going to change as long as Scotland is shackled into a relationship where the number of food bank users has equalled the number of SNP members at 2% of the population, the Scottish Government is throwing money hand over fist at alleviating suffering caused deliberately by a distant far right government, while having its budget cut by that same government 7% a year, with no ability to borrow money, all while Scotland subsidises the UK exchequer by an average of £1.5billion+ a year.
Analysis of Labour's remaining core vote (roughly 50% of its 2010 vote), shows it to be the most suspicious of politicians, the most cynical of elected authority, and together with cynics and fans of Westminster there is a strong majority against the Scottish Parliament gaining political prominence. A majority of Labour's remaining supporters ticked "neither of them" when asked if they trust Westminster or Holyrood most, and 24% wanted most power invested in Westminster. Like the number of YES voters in Maryhill this amounts to the same mandate Labour Party members just gave Murphy - only a small minority of Labour's remaining support base wants a stronger Scottish Parliament. The comparable cohort for the 2010 Labour vote who wanted a stronger Westminster was just 15%, and unlike their remaining support base a majority wanted most power at Holyrood. Their support is increasingly concentrated among reactionary and erratic political cynics.
This is to say nothing of the actions of those who still command this dwindling and increasingly erratic reactionary support. Jim Murphy as we know won a landslide victory for reaction among the Labour *membership* vote. Labour has in the region of 7000 members, up from their pre-referendum total, after they recruited 1000 new members based on one of the most reactionary campaigns in recent Scottish history. These people want to be led by a bullying, hectoring, creepy right wing lunatic because they see him as the man to crush Scotland's democratic aspirations and put its left wing hopes to bed. A workers party that's lost its way? Or a party of colonial reaction and empire fealty?
The idea that Labour is going to push the SNP to the right is a nonsense. Since 2007, when Labour lost the election after its failed bid to privatise all of Scotland's services, it began a campaign of centre right attacks on the SNP and carping. From a law and order campaign of moral panic, to Johann Lamont's Cuts Commission, thru to Jim Murphy's wonderful ideas about the need for more pensions firms involved in the financing of public services, the Labour Party has been a force on the right day in and day out. Now that the combined Unionist candidate now rules expect him to pursue the same strategy as Michael Forsyth did, as #creepyjim tries to prove Scotland is indeed a centre right country. And the SNP don't. Like they haven't. Ever. At any point in government since 2007. Or since, as a bunch of left wingers, they came up with their current grand strategy in the 70s and 80s.
Apart from anything else, attack where your enemy is not. The cold war for Scotland we are living thru is not analogous to the Republicrats versus the Democans where each looks for space in the centre. That just isn't a fit for what is going on. The SNP's opposition to austerity for example was not drawn up under similar circumstances to Labour's plan to ban migrants from claiming benefits. The latter is cynical policy stolen from a poll. The former is the channelling of political conviction from social democratic instinct, thru a council of economic advisors including some of the world's most celebrated anti-austerity economists, until it becomes a serious and empirically backed policy.
There will be no shift to the right with Labour. Calling for a vote for Labour is calling for the satrapy to be put back in the box marked colony.
I'm not sure that I recognise your analysis of the Disruption. Partonage was reimposed by Queen Anne's Tory government in 1712 thus breaking the terms of the treaty.
ReplyDeleteThis is a very loose account of the Disruption. The Disruption happened after what is called the 10 years conflict and that is an internal conflict within the Kirk (though it was posted by the Free Kirk as a fight with the state.) The fight was between the Moderates and the Evangelicals. The Evangelicals tended not to be presented by the Patrons, Evangelical ministers however tended to become ministers of chapels which were carved out of old parishes to provide Churches for the new communities. They had been admitted to the Courts of the Church. It was thus that there was probably a majority of evangelicals by 1840. The Civil Courts decided that the Chapel Ministers could not be members of Church Courts.That meant that the evangelicals would no longer call the shots. in 1842 the last Evangelically dominated Assembly passed a declaration challenging the Civil power. Over the winter they organised and before the 1843 Assembly was constituted, the Moderator lead a minority of the Evangelicals out of the Kirk. The state began building schools in response to the Denominational Schools, and took over the social services for the same reason. As long as there was effectively one Kirk in Scotland it could provide education and social care of a kind. After the Disruption and the growth of the Roman Catholic community it could not. Sorry I would like your analysis of the Disruption to be true, Unfortunately it isn't really.
It's not really relevant what the theological or personal motives of the Evangelicals was. What matters is the political effect. As you state while there was one Kirk, the people held one fist against the lairds. The state seized the moment, and the ruling class knew what they were up to. That they played this reform faction in the Kirk for fools represents the folly of the Disruption agitators. They needed to be a lot more Stalnist if they were to succeed in their goals without crushing the dual power apparatus. As I say, what they thought they were up to matters considerably less than the political impact this had, which was essentially to undo the 1560 popular revolution.
DeleteThe Disruption organisers were also quite clear that they did not oppose Establishment of the Kirk. Their problem was with the fight they had just lost internally due to the Court of Session and the Establishment's game. As you note the development of state schools was because there was a rupturing of forces at this time. That effort to seize control is in the empirical interests of the state, or emergent capital, and of the Scottish rulers who'd made their earlier pacts with Dundas and bought in to the Union project. It also shows that all that was standing in the way of Scotland being a colony rather than a 'satrapy' was the institutional fist of the people.
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed this article, particularly as it echoes what I have seen throughout my life as an observer of Labour's behaviour in Scotland since the 1950s. I never saw them as a force defending Scotland but rather as a colonial administration designed to keep the natives quiet by throwing them beads and mirrors (pulp mills, aluminium plants, etc.). Willie Ross was the Governor General par excellence.
ReplyDeleteIf you are wanting to look at the Politics of the disruption worthies, You really need to analyse Chalmers. The St John's Experiment is in many ways replicated by IDS - (thanks you have just given me a topic and I'll have to read it up), but it was a way that the unemployed and poor got a kicking. Then Chalmers was a Tory. On another point, who was it claimed that the Disruption was Scotland's Bourgeois revolution? I think that you missed that one out. You are of course right about the establishment principal - "we leave an Establishment Vitiated and set up one Free", and it was the Establishment principal which won the Free Kirk case in 1905? (can't be bothered checking)
ReplyDeleteA poignant episode in this struggle is recounted here http://www.amazon.co.uk/EVICITION-SHAPINSAY.../dp/B000XAB9RU. The book was published by the community council in Shapinsay and recounts how the elders were expelled in 1847 from the island by the Balfours for their having come into conflict with the lairds. It brought home to me the bitter local class conflicts that lay behind the Disruption that we had been taught about in Higher History at school.